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Castrocaro Terme

Over 170 years of activity with more than 2 million patients treated and 26 million cures delivered: this is the great wealth of experience of the Castrocaro Terme. The commitment of the Castrocaro Terme, immersed in the luxuriant 8-hectare botanical park, has always been aimed at combining profound knowledge and absolute respect for the delicate healing mechanisms of thermal waters and muds with technological innovation, and the competent availability of the facility’s professionals.

Despite already being known in Roman times, the presence of salso-bromo-iodine and sulphurous mineral waters in Castrocaro was officially registered in 1830 and their first use dates back to 1838. In 1844, a first small thermal establishment was built.
In addition to traditional thermal cures, today the Spa also offers a state-of-the-art Centre for rehabilitation and thermal hydrokinesitherapy, specialised services for the treatment of rhinogenous deafness, venous and lymphatic diseases.
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