In August 2002, Nerio Alessandri, founder of the Wellness Foundation, launched this innovative project by inviting all the public and private local key players to work together and promote initiatives inspired by the culture of Wellness, each in their own sector.
Wellness lifestyle is an opportunity in two directions: within the region, to improve the quality of life and health of residents; outside the region, to increase the attractiveness of the area.
After 20 years, the Wellness Valley is a well-established reality and the first example of a Wellness community, with over 60 active projects that make this area a “living lab” of best practices on healthy lifestyles.
The Wellness Valley initiative has given life to a social innovation model that focuses on people and their well-being and involves all the stakeholders of a community: public administrations, schools, companies, universities, doctors, health systems, sports and cultural associations, gyms, tourism companies.
Staying healthy pays off and the Wellness Valley provides concrete evidence of it.
The population in Romagna is among the most active in Italy, with a positive impact for:
The Emilia-Romagna Region and the University of Bologna, with its four Campuses in Romagna, also participate in the Wellness Valley project and have signed a Protocol with the Wellness Foundation which aims to:
Continue developing and innovating the Wellness Valley project in Romagna as a living best practice
Promote the Wellness Valley internationally and transfer its experience to other communities