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Cambiamo marcia

“Cambiamo Marcia” is an integrated project of the Municipalities of Cesena and Cesenatico, co-financed by the Ministry for the Environment and the Protection of Land and Sea within the ‘National Experimental Programme of Sustainable Mobility from Home to School and Home to Work’, which aims to encourage individual and collective sustainable mobility choices by citizens, starting from changes in daily habits.
The programme provides economic incentives for those who decide to give up their car and cycle to work for 7 months (25 cents per kilometre of the route from home to work, up to a maximum of 50 euros per month). The trips are tracked using an app for reporting and subsequent calculation of the incentives.

At the end of the programme, many of the participants continue to cycle with the same assiduity, even without the prospect of the financial incentive, having become aware of the advantage that the new travel habit offers for their health and the environment.
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