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“SporTeatro” is an innovative project that offers training sessions based on practices from the world of theater in a sporting perspective. 

The goal is to help athletes develop awareness of their role and value using the same methodologies that are used to train actors in the “Actors Studio”. Just as an actor must be able to convey to the audience the emotions he or she experiences within the story he or she is telling, so a sportsman or woman in training, in competition, in private life, has to deal with many different moods, which affect his or her performance.   

Following this principle, the stage becomes a sports field in which athletes are educated to overcome performance anxiety by breaking down the obstacle of fear of judgment that limits talent and relieving the athlete’s expressive capacity within the team. 

SporTeatro exercises include a guided body warm-up session and a part of mutual interaction between the members of the group to discover their leadership skills, increase the sense of autonomy and responsibility, respect, trust and collaboration with teammates. 

The SporTeatro working methodology was created with a specific application for team sports but is also suitable for companies that want to improve the dynamics of collaboration and understanding within their teams. 

Find out more here!
SporTeatro (1)
SporTeatro (2)
SporTeatro (3)
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