Osservatorio Socio-Filo-Pedagogico Sportivo Riccione
L’Osservatorio Socio-Filo Pedagogico Sportivo Riccione (Socio-Philo Pedagogical Sports Observatory), was created in 2024 to embrace 3 activities/experiences connected to each other by a single common denominator: healthy sports culture.
The healthy sports culture has so far involved more than 5000 students from middle to high schools and thousands of families, managers, athletes, instructors and teachers in several training meetings. Each conference lasts 90/120 minutes and deals with various topics that arise from the need to convey the values aimed at creating a serene environment around the young athlete. In this setting, adults – parents, instructors and educators – act together as “allies” to support personal growth and sporting passion of the athlete, for the achievement of a healthy and serene self-awareness beyond performance. Selfless benevolence, positive motivations, humility, gratitude, loyalty and respect for roles, thus become the value baggage of the status of athlete, overcoming the pressures and judgments related to performance.
The healthy sports culture is aimed at all environments – work, school, family, sports – motivated to improve relationships by focusing on the well-being of the person. Since 2019 it has been an integral part of the FITP curriculum at the Foro Italico and the School of Sport in Rome.
The publication “healthy sports culture” is also inside the Wimbledon library.
Personalized Educational Training (P.E.T.) “Mental Resources” aims to provide young people with a tool to deal with difficulties and situations that are different from expectations with a proactive mental/relational approach. Even high-level athletes know anxiety and fear: the big difference is the experience and the method used to manage difficulties.
The P.E.T. is useful in sports, study, work and daily relationships. Athletes of national and international interest from different sports disciplines have benefited from this method in over twenty years.
The “tenniserafini” method was developed in the “Scuola P. Serafini” at the Riccione Tennis Club and it is based on a didactic progression that focuses on the constant feedback of the students, while maintaining its own technical line. It is the result of over 60 years of experience and continuous technical, tactical, physical and mental training.
The goal is the customization of tennis, respecting each individual. A didactic approach that hundreds of athletes rely on every year.
The method is also recognized for its particular dedication to the educational role of the teacher, in order to raise people before athletes.
Information and Contacts
Fabrizio Serafini: Technical Director of Riccione Tennis Club and National Instructor and FITP teacher.
Education: Degrees in Sociology, Philosophy and Pedagogy.
333-7995583 / fabriziobrizserafini@gmail.com