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Let’s Move For A Better World 2024

28 March 2024


Technogym has been proposing exercise as a prevention and cure for everyone’s health for a long time. The answer to a sedentary life is an active life, a wellness life, and the driving force behind this philosophy is certainly exercise, but not only.

The sedentary lifestyle is bringing us closer and closer to the point of no return. According to the World Obesity Atlas 2023, with this trend in 2035, 1 in 4 people will be obese and 1 in 2 will be overweight or obese. By 2030, there will be nearly 500 million new cases of chronic diseases attributable to physical inactivity, particularly hypertension and depression. In addition, 50% of the population say they never or occasionally engage in physical activity.

12 March saw the official start of Technogym’s social challenge “Let’s Move for a Better World“, the world’s biggest social campaign in the fitness industry to fight sedentariness and obesity, which allows the entire fitness world to join forces towards a common goal.

Let’s Move for a Better World is the result of Technogym’s 40-year commitment to promoting Wellness around the world and represents an opportunity to create a more sustainable society, based on people’s health, and the education of young people, the starting point for achieving this goal. The social campaign is also a concrete initiative to support fitness clubs, which have always been key partners in spreading the vision of wellness around the world and involving more and more people in regular exercise.

Wellness Foundation is proud to be an official partner of this initiative that allows you to donate your physical activity to a good cause.


  • 345.392.977 total MOVES

  • 130 countries

  • 1.576 facilities

  • 107.818 participants

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