Cities play a key role in promoting health and wellbeing for their citizens, as they will be home to 70 per cent of the world’s population by 2050.
This gave rise to the new challenge launched by President Nerio Alessandri: to seize the opportunity of the Milan 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Games and launch an ambitious project to spread the culture of wellness in the city of Milan.
This gave rise to the new challenge launched by President Nerio Alessandri: to seize the opportunity of the Milan 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Games and launch an ambitious project to spread the culture of wellness in the city of Milan.
"Health is Wealth: wellness is a social opportunity for: people, companies and governments. The experience of Wellness Valley in Romagna proves that it can be done: in addition to leaving a legacy of health and quality of life to new generations, wellness, sport and health can also be leveraged as an opportunity for economic development"
Milan has always been a city that anticipates trends and today it can become a true wellness city, in the interest of the quality of life of the citizens and the future sustainability of healthcare systems.
The Wellness Foundation conducted an in-depth study on the state of wellness in Milan, analysing demographic, economic, lifestyle and infrastructure data. The results reveal a city that has what it takes to become a benchmark also in terms of wellness, but the challenges of an ageing population, unhealthy lifestyles, and the increase in obesity and chronic diseases, which already absorb 70% of healthcare spending, require a paradigm shift.
According to Nerio Alessandri, the key is a preventive approach involving all actors in society, from institutions to companies, universities and associations.The idea is not only to promote a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, but to blend aspects of wellness with those of fashion, food, art, tourism and science, to improve the quality of life of citizens and generate new opportunities for the area.
The stakeholders we interviewed in recent months recognise that this is the right time to launch a forward-looking project, integrating all the initiatives already in place and promoting new ones, with concrete goals for 2030. So far there has been a great willingness to contribute with ideas, skills and projects, joining forces:Milan Wellness City 2030 can already count on a valuable working group, which includes Fondazione Cariplo, Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026, Bocconi, Politecnico di Milano and the Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, Humanitas University, Ospedale San Raffaele, Fondazione Umberto Veronesi ETS, Fondazione Human Technopole, Federalberghi and Assolombarda. The city’s 3 most popular sports clubs – Inter, AC Milan and Olimpia Basket – are also involved and will be key in amplifying the message.
The future of Milan as a wellness city is based on a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach. The dialogue with the Municipality of Milan and ATS Milano Città Metropolitana is ongoing and has already provided concrete insights: there is full awareness that public-private collaboration is a key component, as is the measurement of results, for the success of a complex, long-term project.
What are the next steps? Based on the evidence of the report and with the coordination of the Wellness Foundation, each stakeholder is called upon to propose concrete projects in various fields, from preventive medicine to nutrition, from mental health to tourism: lifestyle medicine, nutrition, mental wellness, educational programmes, lifestyle wellness, corporate wellness and urban development are just a few examples of the project areas.
The challenge is great, but the opportunity is greater. Milan has the potential to become a reference model for other cities in Italy and around the world, with tangible benefits in terms of health and quality of life. Thanks to the joint efforts of institutions, companies and citizens, the wellness city can become a reality.
The Wellness Foundation conducted an in-depth study on the state of wellness in Milan, analysing demographic, economic, lifestyle and infrastructure data. The results reveal a city that has what it takes to become a benchmark also in terms of wellness, but the challenges of an ageing population, unhealthy lifestyles, and the increase in obesity and chronic diseases, which already absorb 70% of healthcare spending, require a paradigm shift.
According to Nerio Alessandri, the key is a preventive approach involving all actors in society, from institutions to companies, universities and associations.The idea is not only to promote a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, but to blend aspects of wellness with those of fashion, food, art, tourism and science, to improve the quality of life of citizens and generate new opportunities for the area.
The stakeholders we interviewed in recent months recognise that this is the right time to launch a forward-looking project, integrating all the initiatives already in place and promoting new ones, with concrete goals for 2030. So far there has been a great willingness to contribute with ideas, skills and projects, joining forces:Milan Wellness City 2030 can already count on a valuable working group, which includes Fondazione Cariplo, Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026, Bocconi, Politecnico di Milano and the Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, Humanitas University, Ospedale San Raffaele, Fondazione Umberto Veronesi ETS, Fondazione Human Technopole, Federalberghi and Assolombarda. The city’s 3 most popular sports clubs – Inter, AC Milan and Olimpia Basket – are also involved and will be key in amplifying the message.
The future of Milan as a wellness city is based on a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach. The dialogue with the Municipality of Milan and ATS Milano Città Metropolitana is ongoing and has already provided concrete insights: there is full awareness that public-private collaboration is a key component, as is the measurement of results, for the success of a complex, long-term project.
What are the next steps? Based on the evidence of the report and with the coordination of the Wellness Foundation, each stakeholder is called upon to propose concrete projects in various fields, from preventive medicine to nutrition, from mental health to tourism: lifestyle medicine, nutrition, mental wellness, educational programmes, lifestyle wellness, corporate wellness and urban development are just a few examples of the project areas.
The challenge is great, but the opportunity is greater. Milan has the potential to become a reference model for other cities in Italy and around the world, with tangible benefits in terms of health and quality of life. Thanks to the joint efforts of institutions, companies and citizens, the wellness city can become a reality.
- Alessandri (Technogym): «Milano prima wellness city, così esporteremo il benessere della Romagna» Giuliana Ferrarino, Corriere della Sera
- Milano città del benessere, si apre il «cantiere» Giuliana Ferrarino, Corriere della Sera