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Sustainable development


Orogel is recognised and appreciated by consumers as a great brand of absolute quality that enhances the excellence of the peninsula by offering products born and grown in Italy that enhance the taste of the great Italian culinary tradition. A philosophy that puts quality and wellbeing first, to bring to the table the flavour, goodness and guarantee of a healthy and fresh product as if just picked.
Orogel is a cooperative that brings together 1,800 producer members who cultivate and work with passion, following the rhythm of the seasons and respecting nature.
For Orogel, sustainability is a 360° commitment that involves the entire company and the entire production cycle and translates into the continuous search for a balance between innovation and responsibility towards people and the environment. For these reasons, Orogel has joined the National Environmental Footprint Assessment Programme promoted by the Ministry of the Environment and Land and Sea Protection, with the aim of passing on to future generations the same opportunities for quality of life and well-being.
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